Simple but great life hacks I've found.

number one is cranberry juice. I mix 1 part cranberry juice to 3 parts water maximum. I consume on average 1.5 to 2.5 liters a day.   If I have any major upsets, i.e., bladder, kidney, gastrointestinal etc I do a 50/50 mix and get stuck in.   For about 4 years I've been doing this and I suppose started taking it for granted how much it actually balanced my internal inflammation and acid levels.  This is where you realize stuffing shit up in life actually teaches you lessons and lessons of more than one purpose. I started purchasing an inferior brand of cranberry juice from the latest new supermarket trying to beat our traditional safe ones. This was equating to $1.80 per liter instead of $3 to $4 per liter.   Woo hoo, was I getting sick very very rapidly. I couldn't work out why..... ok I've just moved house, that is a guaranteed feeling of being out of sorts, I haven't been doing my normal routine of what I call " talking to life", I haven't been doing my minor yoga stretches for 10 to 20 minutes a few times a day.... the mind was ticking......    ok, ultimately all of the above were certainly triggers, but not to the extent I was declining so quickly.   I had an older bottle of ocean spray cranberry juice in the cupboard along with my new found cheaper ones. I thought I'd better use it before it expired.  I did this with no real quest in mind or operation. Once I returned to my new found proud money saving product..... BANG, down I went.   An ahh moment. Thus inferior brand was and is NOT up to consumer standard and my body had more than proved it.  As of today, I'm going back to my trusted sources and purchasing in bulk when on special.  These are, ocean spray, berri, one I just can't bring to mind, but is only sold at good old woolies and the one liter coles brand one.   These have all proven to be good honest cranberry juice and have always maintained my health and balanced me like clock work. It might sound trivial to a lot that don't suffer disease that causes major internal inflammation and very bad acid levels, but to people that suffer these issues with severe health ramifications.  Let me say.... it's been my life saver without knowing to what extent until I stuffed up.
Very happy to have concluded this from a very poor product... I know NOT to ever buy this product again, but how many of this goes on with other products with this new released supermarket in Australia?.  do I have it investigated ?  do I just move back to woolies and coles and see it as a lesson?   This is where I'm stuck.. it could be almost life threatening to me, no, it can be actually.  I feel I should expose it and do I get the backing from woolies and coles to help me?   It would be an expensive exercise, as the governing consumer quality control standards test woul probably come from my pocket... I don't know and I don't know wether I need to really make this my problem... caught between a rock and a hard place.  I know I will probably enquire and see if it's hard or easy to see this product tested and removed.


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