Thankyou for being you !
if there's one thing I want to take with me, rob knows what that is..... Fluffies.
Every girl, lady or woman wants a man. No not a male, a man. And a man is what I got.
At 27 and round two as far as relationships go, I got this one right, so right that it helped my soul grow and develop into womanhood.
I met this man not knowing what we were in for. A lot can't be put down on paper, but I bet he's smiling right now with that very comment.
We were thrown into a world of the unknown, or maybe it was just me. Scaring away lots of boogeymen and me doing things that I've only ever seen in movies. I'm lucky that I'm not in jail.
When I met rob, I met real love, real passion and a real man. I was safe with rob and our love was glowing. People used to stare all the time and I never understood why. A few friends explained that it was if fireworks were going off around rob and I, our love and energy glowed and it was as if we were one. It fascinated people. That simple.
Hey, don't get me wrong. There was some doozy arguments and broken plates, just like the process of any other healthy loving and developing relationship. Little do we realize at the time that it's part of the process of becoming one. Giving up some things and taking on others. It's a potion, a love potion.
Not many people dislike rob. Only the intimidated ones or the naive suits that were quick to judge his beard and long hair as a outlaw personality type. Rob is as pure as nature.
The ones that get to know him wether rich or poor, love his knowledge, calmness, ability to give anything a go and probably most of all and the most hidden, his respect to every living thing on earth.
He helped me teach the girls the vital things in life. I'll put some of this simply. If I see you litter, I'll make you clean the whole streets litter. If I see you disrespect anybody, I'll make you apologize and offer to assist them for whatever it is you disrespected them for. I hope this gives you a broad understanding of his good old school philosophies. Those girls are rippers or beauties as Rob would say, we are both so proud of them and who they have become. Socially well adapted, polite and instill politeness onto their own creations. Our grandchildren.
We have so much in common yet we have different personalities. I think that's what makes a perfect loving relationship.
We both live for music, good music. We both love each other's company, just us. We both love nature and the fascination yet simplicity of it.
We had the same values on a healthy relationship, we were now one. You go, I go. At a party we sit together, not him with the boys and me with the girls. We are inseparable and nothing could or would break that.
Except entering the world of chronic disease. Being diagnosed and told what you have, doesn't cause the crash of relationships. It's the not getting answers for seven to ten years that reaks havoc. The doctors knew that something was trying and succeeding to kill me..... but what. 18 months of, we think you have lymphoma, renal disease, Crohn's disease, ms, plus many more possibilities. The tests were coming back saying I fit these diseases, but there was always something within the symptoms that were throwing it out. Finally, autoimmune disease was investigated. Yes, it's auto immune they said. But which or what one or two or seven do you have. You can't possibly have that many....... but you can.