A bit of self therapy I suppose or just a good read
When you live with chronic illness; ms; fibro; trigeminal neuralgia; hashimotos; lupus; als; hippocampal sclerosis; cancer...(to name a few) etc., just remember this when you need to release or talk about it:
You're not complaining. don't degrade yourself like that. you're letting it out so that you can delegate some of the burden you carry in your heart and mind. you want some one to understand; but most of all you're trying to accept it yourself. you'll get there. hugs
Your house is allowed to be a mess. You're allowed to vent. You're allowed to talk about it. You're allowed to have sick day. To take a break. Allowed to rest. Relax. You are allowed to say no. Cancel plans last minute.You are allowed to set boundaries. You're allowed to live within your limitations. You are allowed to test your boundaries when you are up to it.
BUT! Most of all.... YOU HAVE A LIFE. Every second you draw breath. Every step you take. Every moment you have. LIVE IT. Make it your own. Unburden yourself. Allow yourself to be sick. Allow yourself to OWN your condition(s). Don't let it own you. Make it your pawn. Stop saying sorry. Surround yourself with people who get it. With LOVE, DETERMINATION, HAPPINESS, POSITIVITY and an outpouring of OPTIMISM. No mater how bad it gets. Be the inspirations in others that you want others to be to you.
So I would like to call today. This day:
Free Expression Wednesday.
Hopefully the admins will let this post stick around and every other Wednesday we'll have a day where in the comments you can vent whatever you need to say. All the nitty gritty. Any issue, any problem any wording.....Venting it out helps unburden us sometimes and sometimes we need to do so without anyone getting upset. F>E>W will be a time of putting our feelings out there in a safe environment with no animosity and no hard feelings. Just Optimism and a show they even with how bad we feel that we're speaking how we feel; getting it out; finding resolution and hearing each other. Lets become a stronger community with stronger interaction, rapport and connection.
So today comment 10 things you really need to get off your chest(symptoms; how you cope; what you're having trouble with getting used to or living with; how do you distress etc). How they make you feel. and how we can help you work through it and cope better. GO!
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