Random writings from my heart

I'm finding shit really wierd.

people you hardly know, want to know everything about your life. Some of the questions, your own children don't even know the truth of.
the hardship, endurance and outright struggle to survive is always about a different motive to someone else.

somebody, somewhere sitting in a dark office making decisions about you, yet they have never met you and have lost all your medical records or claim to have never received them.

i want to stay clean......   knowing that decisions I make based on my life, will NEVER effect somebody else. 

I don't want the burden of being "successful" making life hard or harder for somebody else. 

Just leave me in this little world of multiple sclerosis. 
just let me decide if my glass is half full or half empty.
just let me get by each day with the multitude of struggles
just STOP putting more hurdles in my path
just trust me to speak the truth as I am the only one to pay for     dishonesty.

Just let me sleep.... sleep forever.


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