Me and a professional chatting

Quora advocate advised me to post a response I gave in regards to the effects of loving and antidepressants.  So here it is....... good old copy and paste


  1. The story was from a psychotherapist stating that ssris or antidepressants such as Prozac and Zoloft actually suppress the brain to the point of "the inability to love". Love your long time partner whom you adore and ultimately have become a part of. Then there's the inability to love yourself. This has to come first really, if you can't love yourself, how can you love at all? And no, loving yourself isn't being "in love with yourself", like we would once think as a younger self. Loving yourself is real and it's healthy. It's a balance of acceptance of who you are and where you fit in. It's about knowing and understanding that EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT FOR IMPORTANT REASONS.

  2. Yes, I'm commenting on my own post..... you can admire it or laugh, that's ok, that's you and this is me.
    Anyway, one thing that was mentioned in this article, the high rate of people on ssri antidepressants. It's huge. There is a big big correlation or connection to the amount of marriage break ups. Not saying this is the only cause, it has a huge role. Like stated in the other comment.... they cause, increase and contribute to the inability to love. I'm sure if you google this topic, it will explain it to a point of truth.


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