YES ! My dad has returned as a magpie.
maggies. They are fascinating creatures. All birds are really, it's just that maggies are huge ground dwellers for obvious reasons. Being that they are so monogamous ,territorial, live in tribes etc, they are so interesting and easier to study. The new place we live, has a family of magpies that instantly took to me / us. Our last house was the same, they would come in and get their twice daily feed. We haven't set up a feeding routine here yet and I've been hesitating due to other people's input as to how bad it is for the birds. They claim that they will not survive in the wild if we feed them too much..... come off it, they are not dumb and reliant like us human beings. They come in for their feed morning and late afternoon, they also feed off of grubs etc all day everyday as well, so that theory I took as a possible threat to the maggies has been squashed to me. Our last Maggie family was the time of year when they (the parents) are weaning their babies. I...