Life's platform.

You spend your younger and middle aged years, climbing the stairs of life.
Sometimes you can skip a few steps up and other times you fall 10 steps down.
I'm aiming for the platform of life where the stairs are no more.
You want to reach the surface that's flat, stable and all the hard work of climbing has paid off.
No bigger or better or worse or lesser, just a plateau or platform.

To me, this is life and the way it just is.
It's the stairs that teach you when you fall or when you attain more height.

As long as, at the end of the day, you have achieved those stairs..... Up or down and have something to show/ feel for it, then those stairs are stable.
Take the good with the bad, dust yourself off if you fall all the way down and just start again.
You can do it. You've done it before so just do it again.
Great theory and practice when you are of young mind and health. It's the way to success or enlightenment, whatever it is you are climbing for.
When you get to middle age, you have been more or less on the platform with the odd step down here and there. That's fantastic, that's where we want and need to be.
BUT, when you get to middle age and have been teased with the platform, endured the up and down climbing for near thirty years, then all of a sudden you fall down the steps so god damned rapidly and unfairly, you just lose energy, faith, integrity, the will and above all.   You lose the whole purpose of life.
I'm sitting at the bottom now, looking up.
Questioning myself, can I make it one last time, do I have enough energy and health and all the other determination and factors on my side to do this again one final time?
I need a device to take charge as my body,mind and soul has left me.
This device, I don't know what it is or where it is, but it's going to have to be stronger than me to get me back where I was.

Samyak - Samkalpa.


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