Ms treatment cause of death

now this little piece is a puzzle being put together by my specialists from the family history of chronic pain, no ms diagnosis hence self medicating.

My dad's mother died of renal failure from a sick kidney then the transplant that her body rejected, she died of heart failure in the end.  This was caused by the huge consumption of Bex powders, obviously for a chronic pain condition that was nearly impossible to diagnose then.

Sadly, a lot assumed it was self destruction. Well, yes it was. The pain being unbearable caused her to swallow bex powders to alleviate it.
There's so many ways you can look at this scenario. Ultimately, she had undiagnosed multiple sclerosis which caused her death at the end of the day. Stating the obvious here, she wouldn't have taken bex powders if she wasn't in so much pain.  Yes, bex powders were famous for the renal failure it created it, but we need to dig deeper..... why was she taking such huge amounts of bex powder ? ?  Sadly, she died at age 42, one year after I was born and dad being around 21 or 22.  God bless you my grandma I never got to know.

Dad..... very similar story. He just used alcohol in the end to kill the pain. Sadly, he had physical pain for along time and then copped a huge dose of emotional pain. (The death of my mum aged 52 in 2005). He went on to have company with a female family friend and also a history of an affair. She was in mum and dad's bed not 3 months after mums death.... we, as a family accepted this as his choice and ultimately healthy as he needed company. Unfortunately, this lady was hugely unstable emotionally. At the time I felt for her but looking back it was almost evil. She wanted mums  processions removed from the hose as she wasn't coping. Her book she was reading shortly before her death, was still on the bedside table. Nothing, absolutely nothing if mums possessions in their house had been moved as if she were still alive.  This is where I did very wrong by my dad. This particular lady, still 3 to 4 months after mums death, got my attention in a very manipulative way. She snuck of in the house somewhere knowing that I would end up looking to find where she was. I found her outside in tears stating she can't stay here as my dad is in denial of my mums death.  She went on to explain that everything was as if she was still alive. Then she went on to explain and exaggerate (oblivious to me at the time though, oooh hindsight!), that she was tripping over her suitcase to get to bed every night and my father never cared to notice.  I took this into my heart as I do. With this sad lady showing what I thought pure honest heart break, I went into the house and started packing ALL of mums items into boxes and placing them upstairs in the spare room.  I AM SO SORRY AND REVOLTED THAT I DID THIS TO YOU DADDY. I PUT HER FEELINGS FIRST WITHOUT CONSIDERING WHY AND TAKING THE GRIEF PROCESS INTO CONCIDERATION.... PLEASE FORGIVE ME !!

Look, a lot of very nasty manipulating behaviour went on and of course, I feel for it. I could write a book looking back on her wicked evil ways. Dad would very often turn to my Rob for a cry and how bad this lady was making his life. Pressure to sell the home, not allowing him to see us and his grandchildren as she stated way too often " it's about us now, they are in the past".  My mums dying wish and I say this with pure honesty, was to buy Alix, my daughter her first car with her TPD insurance money. She died before receiving this so her mission was not accomplished. However, dad knew this wish and when financials became settled, he bought Alix her first car. A second hand Toyota echo. My dad explained to rob in one of his emotional states that she abused him for spoiling her like that and she needed to learn the value of money.  This sort of crap went on daily. Setting us up to look like the typical non accepting family and she did it well. A professional manipulator and used dad's weakness to win the guilt she prevailed on him.
Messy, messy shit went down. Very disturbed lady she was and still would be. She really let me down as I expected a lot more from what I thought was an educated, sympathetic and genuine soul. How wrong I was. This was my fault for being a fool. On the positive side, she has taught me a very valuable lesson.... watch what people do not what they say and motivated behaviour is so obvious to me now, so thankyou Robyn Matthews for teaching me that, it has helped me in life both spiritually,
financially and some.
I was bitter towards people for a while after her small short stay in OUR FAMILY.  I have overcome that to the point that I feel sorry that she too is a huge alcoholic to kill her emotional pain. Self destruction will serve her and I need not waste ANY ENERGY at all on her ever again. Sad sad soul.

Yep, off the beaten track there a bit.

Dad's drinking and drinking partner killed his crippling physical pain he had endured since about the age of 36 that I can remember. Dad died of a heart attack 18 months after mum. I put his chronic pain condition and classic traits down to ms too.

I'm very confident in the fact that our genes are a predominant factor to the family history of chronic pain etc to multiple sclerosis.  Without my determination and the fact I was hospitalised so much, I would have been the next family member undiagnosed.

My Aunty has a lot of traits that lead to some sort of pain condition. Unfortunately she thinks taking panadol  is the safer alternative for relief...... WRONG, paracetamol analgesics are the biggest renal killers. And that's where she's heading. Sad so sad to watch a lady I adored all my life lose her soul and spirit to survive. I had to walk away as it was hurting me so much to watch. She's endured a lot of hardships in life but I'm guessing her then strength got her through. Still love you my Aunty merty. I just can't sit by and watch you give up... it's too late for me to help or watch you flick between your behaviour In one little conversation. A true sign that you have no drive and so sad as you were my hero.

God bless all in this piece and may the light shine for you all.



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