Trying it all !!

ms story again.... after all I created this blog as my own way of releasing bad energy and thoughts.

I'm very bad lately at just sticking to the norm and familiar. It was serving me well and still is as it keeps me a lot more confident in my day to day movements etc.  I am now learning that something's are not getting attention. Something's are pointless in giving attention as there are no fixes or answers, so they are best just left as they are. However, some things do and have proven to me to maybe try something different.
I've been experiencing chronic debilitating pain in my hips. I put it down to my back and maybe I'm guarding it which has caused major tension and inflexibility. Well, of late I realised my right knee and foot are turning in severely and it is impossible to correct. It's obviously taken a long time to get to this severe state and now correcting it will serve the same. One particular day, this was the day I realised the problem was bigger than I realised. I woke to an extremely sore swollen knee as if I'd injured it. I knew I hadn't so it sat with my mind for a while and dedicating a lot of attention and behaviourism to it. Over time it's when I realised that it was malforming into a new gait. My knee would completely pop out of joint when bending, that part was less painful. Standing up was another story.... crack, crunch, pop, ouch as it would re locate or dislocate.... not sure which way it was really. Paying so much attention and then looking at the way my moccasins shape was severely re shaped made me realise it's starting from my foot and working it's way up the to the knee, leg and hips. I had it all back to front.
I've been wearing a knee brace of late. I was at my daughters and my knee was driving me nuts. She offered an elasticity knee brace which within seconds straightened my leg,knee  ankle and foot.  Yes it's been slightly painful reforming my leg to how it ment to hold, but finally starting to see fantastic results. I'm getting very slight relief in my hips or pelvis  but nothing major. I'm sure this will come in time too. This is probably the harder or hardest area to correct. I'm sticking this one out as it's so simply changing something back to normal.... by the way, I was measured up and bought the correct size and purpose knee brace.  This morning, I have to say I'm feeling relief in my hips.... thanks Scotty, you beamed me up once again.  Another thing I've been trialling is other meds much to my own disgust as I was trying to rid the ones I KNEW WERE pretty much minimal in relief.  I tried anyway and didn't like them so I can shut the drunken monkeys in my mind nagging me to stop being stubborn," you never know" is what they were saying. So, I had to listen and listen, tried and tested I did.   Another possible med they want me to try is for narcolepsy and cataplexy.  I basically said to my doctor (god bless this saint) I've lived with it this long and learnt to manage. I don't have to be anywhere at any specific time so I'm really not sure I want more medications. He stated they give me more energy and happiness.  I don't think I need more energy though, I have way to much energy (almost add type energy) this seems to be my nemesis as I can't fullfill the energy needs which ultimately in turn drives me nuts.  I was told to think about it and we will discuss it next visit. I walked out thinking " no way, no more meds".   Well, I've given it some thought and realised this stubbornness again is possibly holding me back. I will give it a go and if it helps me significantly with no nasty side effects I'll stick with it.
Now, the biggest thing on the top of my list is cannabis. It's been approved Australia wide in 2016 for a very few disorders. Ms, epilepsy, nausea for cancer patients and chronic pain sufferers.  I was always so afraid to try this one as I remember in my early years, we'll sort of early years 27 and about 30. I tried street marijuana a few times and hated it. The paranoia, twitches and just feeling like I wanted out of that feeling. So that was a definately NO WAY for me. ....
Recently, reading about the modifications made to medical canbabis, those horrible and common side effects are not a problem as the THC and other chemicals are removed.... don't quote me on this as I'm still investigating it.  My Doctor is very keen for me to try this so I'm going to a seminar in Brisbane September 13th to learn more and hopefully just one cannabis medication  could possibly replace the rest or most.  I've got to start trying different things and make realistic decisions rather than the stubborn behaviour that has so interfered with me moving forward.  In the past, the medications provided were outright bad, so that's where this stubbornness metaphored. Back to the drawing board, but with a big open mind and awareness.  Just trying it is all I can do.


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