That's it in a nutshell. Everything I do or try to do, everything I think, every financial or business transaction has been and is FIGHTING THE DEVIL. my coordination physically and mentally drives me NUTS. I've always been a highly organised and some what proud energetic person. I'm trying to maintain that part of lindy with a fight. My principles are lying in the way of just letting it be or letting it go. My determination which has always been an asset is now my enemy. The physical energy I still have in a strange way, is boiling inside of me and needs an out. My active mind that I once kept at bay has gone rogue. Where the hell do I put all this shit that is lindy ? The good the bad and the ugly are what makes us who we are, we spend most of our life learning and understanding our weaknesses, strengths, disciplines, undisciplined and everything in between. Just when you get to a more mature age of accepting our differences and starting the puzzle of life, this ma...