The ferocious pain and shining light.
I hesitated to write this, as pain, from the definition of it to the management of it, is idiosyncratic. Rather than draw hard and fast lines, I prefer to draw attention to chronic pain and offer my own personal experiences. I will revisit this topic periodically. Pain, specifically chronic pain, is at best disruptive and at worst all-encompassing. MS-related pain varies in both location and intensity, and its omnipresence profoundly affects us physically and psychologically. If we are to sojourn alongside chronic MS-related pain, it certainly demands not only our attention but also proper management. I live each moment with pain — from the time I wake until I eventually find sleep, I hurt. I say this not to invoke pity but to give you a glimpse into my world. I have worked incredibly hard at learning to co-exist with constant pain, and that learning is a continuum. Pain management literally has been a lifesaver, as I would never have learned the accountability necessary to util...